
Two kind of People in this World:

those who cannot and those - who can.

I'm one of them - You're one of them.

The single neuron in your brain

makes such a difference.

I hope you can.


It's your neuron, you know.
You can tell it what it is you want
And it wil listen.
Because that's what it does.

allian blake
(Aug.01/2011 / Aug.7/11)

July 21, 2011

More I know about the World
more I want to be a better Person
and live in a better Place,
- because I know - I can.

When I look up at the World
I come up with ideas
which are reflections of my understanding.

When I know what is possible
and I want to experience it
- I also know what I need to do:

I need to change.

a blake

3 Words

I'll give you three words
Which you will remember.

They express true Idea
Which you know quite well.

When your time will come
To make a Decission

Those three words in your mind
Will ring like a Bell.

a blake 2011

Play like a Pro - work like an Amator.

Spliting Life into rainbow is as easy as riding bicycle.

Play like a pro - work like an Amator.

Allian Blake Project is made possible by:
Foundation of Friendship, World Assets Allocation, Megapol Network
and People like you and me.
Thank you.